
Some 2.3 million people visited Columbus, Georgia, last year, according to tourism officials.

Thirty six hours, many say, is the right amount of time to visit. Visit often, they say, but in brief, intense stays — a long weekend kind of place.

This site is for long-weekend visitors to Columbus, Georgia, who know are focused.  Maybe you are coming to Columbus for Civil War experiences. We have 13 for you, all to be experienced in a 36-hour visit.  Same for the water, or black heritage, or food, or art — and many  others to come.

What’s coming next?

  • … if you shop for antiques and collectibles

Entries about current places to visit, things to see and do, are based on original reporting. Historical information is drawn from secondary sources, attributed in the entry and, where available, linked to a digital source.

Alice Budge wrote the entry on fashion on a budget. Margot McCrillis wrote the entry on live music and theater.

Anne King, executive director of MidTown Inc. provided advice about the entry on active travel.

Please offer your comments, share your experiences, provide your advice.

All content, Copyright, 2016, John F. Greenman & Associates LLC